“Your
Holihe
Count
has
explicitly
instructed
you
to
be
more
restrained
lately
and
not
to
act
rashly,so
as
not
to
affect
his
plans.If
you
insist
oing
against
his
wishes
and
disrupt
his
plans,he
will
not
acknowledge
you
as
his
son.”
“教主大人,伯爵已经明确发话让你最近安分一点,不要轻举妄动,以免影响他的计划。如果你一意孤行,影响了他的计划,他可是不会承认你是他的儿子的。”她的话语中带着一丝警告,希望卢卡斯能够冷静下来,不要冲动行事。
卢卡斯听后,脸色顿时变得难看起来,他猛地站起身,大声说道:
“Why
does
my
father
always
dare
not
oppose
the
Council
of
Elders?We
are
not
what
we
used
to
be
now;our
strength
has
greatly
increased,and
we
are
no
longer
afraid
of
anyone!”
“为什么我父亲老是不敢和长老团对着干?现在的我们已经今非昔比,实力大增,根本已经不惧怕任何人了!”他的声音在大厅中回荡,显得异常愤怒和不满,仿佛对父亲的某些做法感到不解和委屈。
娜丽丝见状,叹了口气,耐心地解释道:
“Your
Holiness,you
are
not
fully
the
support
of
the
Council
of
Elders,we
simply
cannot
acplish
any
grand
is
right
not
to
interfere
with
the
Count's
s
is
for
the
longterm
is
of
our
entire
sect.I
hope
you
can
uand
and
ply.”
“教主大人,你有所不知,得不到长老团的支持,我们根本无法完成一切宏大的计划。所以,不要影响伯爵的计划是对的,这是为了我们整个教派的长远利益考虑,希望你能理解并遵守。”她的眼神中满是诚恳,希望卢卡斯能够听从劝告,不要做出让自己后悔的事情。
卢卡斯沉默了片刻,眼中闪过一丝阴鸷的光芒,缓缓开口道:
“After
help
my
father
finish,I
will
go
and
settle
accounts
with
these
two.”
“等我帮父亲完成之后,再去找这二人算账。”
他的话语中透露出一种冷酷的决绝,仿佛已经将我们视为囊中之物,只待时机成熟便要一一清算。
娜丽丝见状,微微叹了口气,语气中带着一丝担忧地说道:
“I
think
you
should
go
see
your
have
been
many
voices
opposing
him
lately,and
I'm
afraid
the
Council
of
Elders
might
abandon
your
side.”
“我想你还是去看看你伯爵大人吧,最近反对他的声音很多,我怕长老团会放弃你们这边。”她深知教派内部的复杂局势,担心卢卡斯的一意孤行会引发更大的变数。
卢卡斯听后,脸上露出一丝不屑的笑容,轻描淡写地说道:
“It's
not
difficult,just
assassinate
them.”
“这不简单,暗杀掉就可以。”
他似乎将一切事情都看得过于简单,以为凭借手中的力量便可以轻易地左右局势。
然而,娜丽丝却立刻摇头道:
“No,we
can't
take
such
risks
at
a
critical
moment.If
they
find
out
that
it
was
us
who
carried
out
the
assassination,no
one
will
help
you
in
the
future.”
“不行,关键时刻不能这么冒险。如果他们知道是我们暗杀的,将来没有人会帮助你们的。”
她深知这种做法的后果不堪设想,一旦长老团因此而对他们失去信任,那教派的未来将陷入更加危险的境地。
卢卡斯沉默了片刻,最终点了点头,说道:
“Alright,I'll
go
back
today
and
see
my
father's
opinion.I'll
leave
all
the
affairs
here
at
the
church
to
you.”
“好,今天我就回去,看看父亲的意见。教堂这里的一切事务都交给你吧。”
他虽然心中不甘,但也明白此刻不是意气用事的时候,需要先稳住局势,再从长计议。
娜丽丝郑重地接过这个重担,然后对着卢卡斯说道:
“Uood,Your
you
leave,please
take
that
woman
with
you
and
do
not
bring
women
here
in
the
church
is
a
sacred
place,not
a
place
for
your
romantic
indulgences.”
“知道了,教主大人,临走时,请你把那女人带走,以后不要带女人在这里。教堂是神圣的,不是你的风流场所。”她的语气中带着一丝严厉,显然是对卢卡斯之前的某些行为颇为不满。
卢卡斯听到后,脸色微微一变,但最终没有回答,只是冷哼一声,便直接大步走出了教堂大厅,只留下娜丽丝独自站在原地,望着他的背影,眼神中闪过一丝复杂的光芒。
娜丽丝目送着卢卡斯离开教堂,直到他的身影消失在视线中,才转身走出教堂,朝着之前我和她提及的那间房走去。她心中满是怒火,脚步也显得格外沉重。
刚走到房门口,就听到里面传来托马斯那放荡的声音:
“Baby,I
want
more,I'm
not
satisfied
yet.”
“宝贝,我还要,我还没有舒服呢。”紧接着是奥娜米那充满享受的呻吟声,这声音在房间外回荡,显得格外刺耳。
“Thomas,didn't
you
have
a
crush
on
the
Holy
Maiden?Why
are
you
still
peting
with
us?”
“托马斯,你不是看上圣女了吗,为什么还要跟我们抢。”一个修士不满地说道,语气中带着一丝嫉妒和愤怒。
“Yeah,didn't
you
say
you
wanted
the
Holy
Maiden
to
attend
to
your
second
brother
every
day?It's
my
turn
out
of
the
way.”
“对啊,你不是说要让圣女天天伺候你的二弟吗。轮到我了。走开。”另一个修士也跟着起哄,显然他们对托马斯的行为颇为不满。
“Don't
be
impatient,it's
already
the
sixth
s
still
so
strong.”
“你们不要急,都6回了。还这么强大。”奥娜米的声音中带着一丝得意,仿佛在炫耀着什么。
“My
dear
Onami,just
let
me
fantasize
about
being
a
holy
maiden,okay?It
excites
me
even
more.”
“我亲爱的奥娜米,你就让我想向成圣女好不好,这样我更兴奋。”托马斯的声音中满是欲望,完全不顾及这里是神圣的教堂。
“To
actually
desecrate
the
peace
of
the
divine
right
here
in
the
church.”
“居然在教堂这里亵渎神灵安宁。”
娜丽丝听到这些,顿时火冒三丈,心中的愤怒如同火山爆发一般。她毫不犹豫地抬起脚,用力地踢向房门,
门“砰”的一声被踢开,发出巨大的声响,瞬间吸引了房内所有人的注意。喜欢黑龙特别行动组2请大家收藏:
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